St. Kilda Mast & Tower Repairs


Mast and tower repairs




TRAC were engaged for essential annual repairs to masts and towers at St Kilda and Benbecula.


The MOD has several sites throughout the west coast and western isles of Scotland. These sites are extremely exposed to the elements and in need of regular care and attention to ensure they continue to function and are fit for purpose. Many sites have high value modern equipment fixed at high level on masts and towers. These structures are exposed to continuous high winds and subsequently need regular inspection and maintenance. Our Clients task is to ensure the MOD is subject to no disruption to its vital operations. To assist with this they employ TRAC HLM.

The Works

An IRATA qualified team of rope access technicians were deployed to St Kilda to carry out repairs and maintenance including:

  • Strengthening works to lattice tower to increase capacity
  • Installation of new mast rest platforms and hatches
  • Replacing and re-tensioning of structural bolts
  • Removal of redundant cable try and feeder cables
  • Installation of ladder access fall arrest system
  • Application of protective coatings


Progress can be severely limited by weather conditions and lightning risk. TRAC’s flexibility ensured works were completed during the shut down period allowing MOD trials to commence as planned.